Bring out the artist in you!
Practising any form of art allows you to express and overcome your emotions.

Performing arts
Comedy, humour, acrobatics, theatre and opera are performing arts that share between them the fact that they present their creations to the public on a stage. The latter can be an amphitheatre stage, a theatre, a cabaret or a temporary set.
Blogs dedicated to Contemporary Arts
Spaces of expression created by enthusiasts for enthusiasts!
Locations dedicated to contemporary art such as Estades allow art lovers to quench their thirst for information and exchange on the subject.
This type of space is often run by someone who has enough experience when it comes to arts. Indeed, the initiative might come from a desire to share and transmit knowledge as well as from the joy of talking about one’s passion.
A plethora of artistic styles
When a person is involved in an artistic activity, sooner or later he or she will ask himself or herself what can distinguish him or her from other artists. Once they have found the answer to this question, they will have their own artistic style.
The unique touch of an artist
Here, we’re talking about the artist’s personal technique. In painting, it is usually characterised by a signature and a specific style.
Artistic culture
This is a culture marked by an interest in the design, production and consumption of art.
Technical knowledge
Every artistic creation needs a certain technical basis on which the artist relies to produce masterpieces.

Artistic activity
Performing an artistic activity helps to develop and stimulate one's creativity and capacity for expression.
According to recent studies, regular artistic activity is an effective therapy in terms of physical, emotional, social and psychological well-being. Researchers have concluded that art, in whatever form, can have a positive impact on the whole working day, as long as it involves a sensory and creative process.

French Contemporary Art
Generally speaking, Contemporary Art is defined as all works of art produced from 1945 to the present day. This definition does not exclude any artistic style, even though plastic arts are the most frequently mentioned form.
French Contemporary Art lags behind other countries. This is due to the fact that French artists find it difficult to sell in their own country. Indeed, the sluggishness of the private market impacts the export of French Contemporary Artworks. French artists mourn the shortage of galleries willing to exhibit their work internationally. Also, a country like the United States relies on the free market when it comes to works of art. In France, however, the private market must sometimes replace public purchases. Because of this phenomenon, other countries’ markets tend to undervalue French official art.
Famous modern art institutions
Knowing the different institutions of modern art allows you to discover the sites where art lives and is lived.

Smithsonian Institution, Washington
This is the largest museum, research and education complex in the world and is thus a must-see for art lovers!

Louvre Museum, Paris
A wonder of the world’s artistic heritage, the Louvre is known as one of the most beautiful museums in the world.

British Museum, London
An art museum dedicated to human history and culture the British Museum is over two centuries old and its collection is one of the richest in the world.
Photography is a form of art in its own right!
Photography is acknowledged as an art form in its own right. But not all photographers are artists. There are indeed two main categories of photography: illustrative photography (photojournalism, naturalist photography, paparazzi, etc.) and artistic photography used to describe emotions, a vision of the world and/or feelings.